Technical report 99-00, Dpto. Sistemas Informáticos y Programación,
Universidad Complutense de Madrid, February 2000.
Abstract: We explore the features of rewriting logic and its
language Maude as a logical and semantic framework for representing both
the semantics of CCS, and a modal logic for describing local capabilities
of CCS processes. Although a rewriting logic representation of the CCS
semantics was given in [MOM93], it cannot be directly executed in the current
default interpreter of Maude. Moreover, it cannot be used to answer questions
such as which are the successors of a process after performing an action,
which is used to define the semantics of Hennessy-Milner modal logic. Basically,
the problems are the existence of new variables in the righthand side of
the rewrite rules and the nondeterministic application of the semantic
rules, inherent to CCS. We show how these problems can be solved by exploiting
the reflective properties of rewriting logic, which allow controlling the
rewriting process. We also show how the semantics can be extended to traces
of actions and to the CCS weak transition relation. This executable specification
plus the reflective control of the rewriting process can be used to analyze
CCS processes.
@TechReport{VerdejoMarti-Oliet00a, author = {Alberto Verdejo and Narciso Mart\'{\i}-Oliet}, title = {Executing and Verifying {CCS} in {Maude}}, institution = {Dpto.\ Sistemas Inform\'aticos y Programaci\'on, Universidad Complutense de Madrid}, year = 2000, number = {99-00}, month = feb }