The ITP/OCL Project


The ITP/OCL tool [ClavelEgea06b] is an experimental tool that is being developed taking profit of the reflective capabilities of the Maude system. The ITP/OCL tool is a rewriting-based tool that supports automatic validation of UML class diagrams with respect to OCL constraints. From a conceptual point of view, the ITP/OCL tool is directly based on the equational semantics for UML+OCL class diagrams developed in [Egea05, ClavelEgea06a], according to which: From an implementation point of view, the ITP/OCL tool is written entirely in Maude, making extensive use of its reflective capabilities to implement the user interface, thanks to which the tool's underlying equational semantics remains hidden to the user who only must be familiar with the standard notions of UML diagrams and OCL invariants. The ITP/OCL tool can: When completed, the ITP/OCL tool will allow as well to:

Source code

You can download the ITP/OCL project's modules from here.


You can browse the ITP/OCL (quick) tutorial at here.

Marina Egea
28 March 2006