WADT 2012
21st International Workshop on Algebraic Development Techniques
Salamanca, Spain, June 7-10, 2012
WADT 2012 Format and location
The workshop will include presentations selected on the basis of submitted abstracts as well as three invited talks.
It will take place over four days (Thursday to Sunday) at Colegio Mayor Arzobispo Fonseca in the center of Salamanca. Waypoint .kmz (download Google Earth) or link to Google Maps.
Click here to google-map the most relevant sites for the WADT 2012.
Colegio Mayor Arzobispo Fonseca
One of the nicest Spanish Renaissance patios, located in the University of Salamanca. The church has a painting by Alonso Berruguete.
The University of Salamanca dates back to 1218, which makes it the oldest in Spain. Founded by King Alfonso IX only a short period of time after the Universities of Bologna and Paris, it is the third oldest university in Europe, and the fourth oldest in the world. During the 16th Century, it was one of the most important cultural centres in Europe. The interior is made of a two-floored cloister, connected to each other by beautiful Gothic stairs adorned with allegorical reliefs. On the ground floor, ancient classrooms named after important intellectuals that marked the University's history are distributed around the cloister. In the library, 400 books from the 15th Century are kept, in addition to thousands of volumes and manuscripts and a collection of globes acquired in Paris. Its façade, begun in 1415, is a masterpiece of the Plateresque style and is divided in three main bodies, where vices and virtues are represented. To the right, as one looks at the façade, three skulls will be seen on the broadest pilaster, and on the left-hand skull is the frog, interpreted as a symbol of sin. The frog has been converted into an object for students' and tourists' superstitions, granting good luck to those who find it.