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book cover

Lógica Matemática para Informáticos. Ejercicios resueltos
Teresa Hortalá, Narciso Martí, Miguel Palomino, Mario Rodríguez y Rafael del Vado
bib entry

book cover

Coauthor of chapters 7 and 10 of:
All About Maude - A High Performance Logical Framework

M. Clavel, F. Durán, S. Eker, P. Lincoln, N. Martí-Oliet, J. Meseguer and C. Talcott
bib entry

book cover Introducción a la computación
Narciso Martí Oliet, Miguel Palomino Tarjuelo y José Alberto Verdejo López
bib entry


On Linear Contravariant Semantics
Ignacio Fábregas, David de Frutos Escrig and Miguel Palomino
lcvs.pdf | bib entry

Categorical logics for contravariant simulations, partial bisimulations, modal refinements and mixed transition systems
Ignacio Fábregas, Miguel Palomino and David de Frutos Escrig
catlog-sim.pdf | bib entry | extended version

On the unification of process semantics: operational semantics
David de Frutos Escrig, Carlos Gregorio Rodríguez and Miguel Palomino
operational.pdf | bib entry

An axiomatic study of infinite basis
David de Frutos Escrig, Carlos Gregorio Rodríguez and Miguel Palomino
asib.pdf | bib entry


Conditional Narrowing Modulo SMT Plus Axioms
Luis Aguirre, Narciso Martí-Oliet, Miguel Palomino and Isabel Pita
PPDP 2017
cn-ppdf.pdf | bib entry

Sentence-Normalized Conditional Narrowing Modulo in Rewriting Logic and Maude
Luis Aguirre, Narciso Martí-Oliet, Miguel Palomino and Isabel Pita
Journal of Automated Reasoning
sn-journal.pdf | bib entry


Sentence-Normalized Conditional Narrowing Modulo in Rewriting Logic and Maude
Luis Aguirre, Narciso Martí-Oliet, Miguel Palomino and Isabel Pita
LRC 2015
sncnmrlm.pdf | bib entry


Conditional Narrowing Modulo in Rewriting Logic and Maude
Luis Aguirre, Narciso Martí-Oliet, Miguel Palomino and Isabel Pita
WRLA 2014
cnmrlm.pdf | bib entry | cnmrlm-extended.pdf


Unifying the linear time-branching time spectrum of strong process semantics
David de Frutos Escrig, Carlos Gregorio Rodríguez, Miguel Palomino and David Romero Hernández
Logical Methods in Computer Science
unifying-ltbt.pdf | bib entry

On the specification of modal systems: a comparison of three frameworks
Luca Aceto, Ignacio Fábregas, David de Frutos Escrig, Anna Ingólfsdóttir and Miguel Palomino
Science of Computer Programming
sms.pdf | bib entry

Predicate logic
Miguel Palomino
Encyclopedia of Sciences and Religions
pl-es.pdf | bib entry | alternative version


Rewriting logic bibliography by topic: 1990-2011
Narciso Martí-Oliet, Miguel Palomino, and Alberto Verdejo
Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming
rwl-biblio.pdf | bib entry


Graphical representation of covariant-contravariant modal formulas
Luca Aceto, Ignacio Fábregas, David de Frutos Escrig, Anna Ingólfsdóttir and Miguel Palomino
grccmf.pdf | bib entry

Parameterized Metareasoning in Membership Equational Logic
Manuel Clavel, Narciso Martí-Oliet and Miguel Palomino
param-metareasoning.pdf | bib entry

Relating modal refinements, covariant-contravariant simulations and partial bisimulations
Luca Aceto, Ignacio Fábregas, David de Frutos Escrig, Anna Ingólfsdóttir and Miguel Palomino
FSEN 2011
mts-cc.pdf | bib entry | extended version


Equational Characterization of Covariant-Contravariant Simulation and Conformance Simulation Semantics
Ignacio Fábregas, David de Frutos Escrig and Miguel Palomino
SOS 2010
eccc.pdf | bib entry

Logics for Contravariant Simulations
Ignacio Fábregas, David de Frutos Escrig and Miguel Palomino
FORTE 2010
lcs.pdf | bib entry


Non-strongly stable orders also define interesting relations
Ignacio Fábregas, David de Frutos Escrig and Miguel Palomino
CALCO 2009
nssorders.pdf | bib entry

Algebraic simulations
José Meseguer, Miguel Palomino and Narciso Martí-Oliet
Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming
as.pdf | bib entry

On the unification of process semantics: equational semantics
David de Frutos Escrig, Carlos Gregorio Rodríguez and Miguel Palomino
eqsemantics.pdf | bib entry

Ready to preorder: an algebraic and general proof
David de Frutos Escrig, Carlos Gregorio Rodríguez and Miguel Palomino
Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming
ready.pdf | bib entry

On the unification of process semantics: observational semantics
David de Frutos Escrig, Carlos Gregorio Rodríguez and Miguel Palomino
sofsem09.pdf | bib entry | extended version


Rewriting Logic using Strategies for Neural networks: an Implementation in Maude
Gustavo Santos-García, Miguel Palomino and Alberto Verdejo
DCAI 2008
ann.pdf | bib entry | code | ann-output.txt

Equational Abstractions
José Meseguer, Miguel Palomino and Narciso Martí-Oliet
Theoretical Computer Science
ea-long.pdf | bib entry

Formal logic
Miguel Palomino
Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Engineering
flogic.pdf | bib entry

Multiset bisimulations as a common framework for ordinary and probabilistic bisimulations
David de Frutos Escrig, Miguel Palomino and Ignacio Fábregas
FORTE 2008
multibis.pdf | bib entry

Coinductive characterisations reveal nice relations between preorders and equivalences
David de Frutos Escrig, Carlos Gregorio Rodríguez and Miguel Palomino
FICS 2008
fics08.pdf | bib entry


Algebraic Stuttering Simulations
Narciso Martí-Oliet, José Meseguer and Miguel Palomino
PROLE 2007
ass.pdf | bib entry

Reflection and preservation of properties in coalgebraic (bi)simulations
Ignacio Fábregas, Miguel Palomino and David de Frutos Escrig
ICTAC 2007
rpcoalgebraic.pdf | bib entry | extended version

Strategies and simulations in a semantic framework
Narciso Martí-Oliet, Miguel Palomino and Alberto Verdejo
Journal of Algorithms
lsfa06.pdf | bib entry

Reflection in Membership Equational Logic, Many-Sorted Equational Logic, Horn Logic with Equality, and Rewriting Logic
Manuel Clavel, José Meseguer and Miguel Palomino
Theoretical Computer Science
rmel.pdf | bib entry


Introducing the ITP Tool: a Tutorial
Manuel Clavel, Miguel Palomino and Adrián Riesco
Journal of Universal Computer Science
itpweb.pdf | bib entry

Solving Sudoku Puzzles with Rewriting Rules
Gustavo Santos-García and Miguel Palomino
WRLA 2006
sudoku.pdf | bib entry | code | sudoku-monster

A comparison between two logical formalisms for rewriting
Miguel Palomino
Theory and Practice of Logic Programming
rl-vs-crwl.pdf | bib entry


A predicate abstraction tool for Maude
Miguel Palomino
pa-tool.pdf | tool and examples

A quick ITP tutorial
Manuel Clavel and Miguel Palomino
PROLE 2005
itptutorial.pdf | bib entry

Reflexión, abstracción y simulación en la lógica de reescritura
Miguel Palomino
PhD thesis directed by Narciso Martí-Oliet and José Meseguer
tesis.pdf | bib entry

A categorical approach to simulations
Miguel Palomino, José Meseguer and Narciso Martí-Oliet
CALCO 2005
calco05.pdf | bib entry | extended version


A tutorial on specifying data structures in Maude
Narciso Martí-Oliet, Miguel Palomino and Alberto Verdejo
PROLE 2004
tutorial.pdf | code of the examples | bib entry

Proving modal properties of rewrite theories using Maude's metalevel
Isabel Pita and Miguel Palomino
PROLE 2004
modal.pdf | bib entry

Theoroidal Maps as Algebraic Simulations
Narciso Martí-Oliet, José Meseguer and Miguel Palomino
WADT 2004
wadt04.pdf | bib entry

Playing with Maude
Miguel Palomino, Narciso Martí-Oliet and Alberto Verdejo
RULE 2004
rule04.pdf | code of the games | bib entry

Integrating Decision Procedures in Reflective Rewriting-Based Theorem Provers
Manuel Clavel, Miguel Palomino and Juan Santa-Cruz
WRS 2004
wrs04.pdf | bib entry

Proving VLRL Action Properties with the Maude Model Checker
Miguel Palomino and Isabel Pita
WRLA 2004
wrla04.pdf | bib entry

Formalizing and Proving Semantic Relations between Specifications by Reflection
Manuel Clavel, Narciso Martí-Oliet and Miguel Palomino
AMAST 2004
amast04.pdf | bib entry


Equational Abstractions
José Meseguer, Miguel Palomino and Narciso Martí-Oliet
cade19.pdf | bib entry


Notes on Model Checking and Abstraction in Rewriting Logic
José Meseguer, Miguel Palomino and Narciso Martí-Oliet
nmcarl.pdf | bib entry

Reflection in Membership Equational Logic, Many-Sorted Equational Logic, Horn Logic with Equality, and Rewriting Logic
Manuel Clavel, José Meseguer and Miguel Palomino
WRLA 2002
wrla02.pdf | bib entry


Comparing Meseguer's Rewriting Logic with the Logic CRWL
Miguel Palomino
WFLP 2001
wflp01.pdf | bib entry

Relating Meseguer's Rewriting Logic with the Constructor-Based Rewriting Logic
Miguel Palomino
Master's thesis
mthesis.pdf | bib entry